Treating the whole person

​​At Skin Renewal Systems Medical Spa, we believe in treating the person as a whole. We do an outstanding job making you look your best with our skin and body therapies, but without wellness therapy, the job is only half done. Skin Renewal Systems Medical Spa is unique because we offer and encourage therapies that get the entire job done, treating you inside and out.

Quest 9 BioFeedback


Skin Renewal Systems takes a leap toward tomorrow’s medicine with The Quantum Alliance.  After years of research, study and passion, the Quest 9 Biofeedback was born, bringing with it a new vision for well-being, influencing the global healthcare marketplace. The Quest 9 BioFeedback system is so advanced that it is capable of giving a complete analysis of the body’s stress reactions, as well as being a powerful therapeutic tool for relaxation, and alleviation of stress related ailments.

It promises to play a significant role in the future by increasing health through stress and pain management. In approximately five minutes, the Quest 9 Biofeedback System can simultaneously detect and record information about your stress reactions.

The Quest 9 Biofeedback System reveals a client’s voltage, amperage, resistance, hydration, oxygen, proton and electron pressure scores; these electrical calculations are important indicators of the health / stress of various different functions in the body. Different lifestyle factors which could be contributing to the body’s overall stress load are reflected in the Indigo Biofeedback System’s Suppression Obstruction Cure (SOC) scores.

Common physiological changes resulting from stress reactions:

  • Increased Heart Rate, which can lead and / or contribute to heart conditions.

  • Hormonal Fluctuations, which can lead and / or contribute to endocrine, reproductive, digestive disorders, obesity, diabetes and mental disorders.

  • Constriction of muscles and blood vessels, can lead and / or contribute to pain, tension, circulatory issues, cardio-pulmonary issues and asthma.

  • The suppression of non-essential life processes, which affects reproduction, higher executive brain function, digestion and immunity.

Many people think of stress only in terms of things like deadlines at work, family or relationship stress, financial pressures, traffic jams, or the death of a loved one perhaps. However, stress reactions also occur on the unconscious, cellular, subtle or energetic levels each time we are exposed to a toxin, pathogen or allergen; and every time our body experiences a nutritional deficiency or excess.

What is EPR (Quest 9) BioFeedback?

EPR (Electro-Physiological Reactivity) Biofeedback Devices measure reactivity and provide feedback which can be very educational to the client. The results provide insight into an individual’s overall stress profile. A combination of measures and special “feedback” functions make our EPR Biofeedback Devices unique.

EPR Biofeedback is a technique in which people are trained to improve their health by using signals from their own body. 

EPR Biofeedback is applied through the use of an EPR Biofeedback Device that communicates with the body using GSR (Galvanic Skin Response); a very accurate system based on the science of Quantum Physics. It is an emerging technology that reads the body at biological speeds, providing results within minutes as opposed to days or weeks. 

How does it work?

The easiest way to really understand what EPR (Indigo) Biofeedback can do is to think in terms of stresses or stressors - all those things we’re born with, that happen to us, and that get into the body from our environment that may cause disease, disorder, or discomfort.

EPF Biofeedback is totally non-invasive. The EPR Biofeedback Device requires only five comfortable electrodes that wrap around your wrists, ankles and forehead. A test is performed, and the results are shown in the computer software. This provides the practitioner with information about the state of the energy and stressors most prevalent in the body at that time. 

After gathering test results, the data offers an understanding of your potential needs. It can reveal the specific stressors which could be the underlying issues surrounding your body’s ability to heal. It is at this point that EPR Biofeedback can be applied in order to help you correct and reduce the stressors.

Why choose Quest 9 Biofeedback?

With the ability to provide virtually instant information through a comfortable and relaxing non-invasive process, biofeedback professionals are able to address their clients’ stress in a sophisticated and finely tuned way.

  • Reduce Stress

  • Improve Performance

  • Enhance Recovery

What does Quest 9 Biofeedback feel like?

Most individuals feel nothing at all. Some experience a state of deep relaxation and a general sense of well-being. Others feel energized immediately following a session.

Who can benefit from Quest 9 Biofeedback?

Everyone from children to seniors, and even animals! Quest 9 Biofeedback’s communication with the client is not reliant on language, verbal, visual, or conscious thought processes.

How can the Quest 9 Biofeedback System help to improve my health?

The Quest 9 Biofeedback System functions in a multitude of ways, it can send signals to measure and record electro-physiological reactions to a multitude of items, re-educate certain muscles, nerves or organs or it can retrain areas of the body / mind to healthier patterns.

What are the possible (health) benefits of Quest 9 Biofeedback?

Biofeedback has been scientifically proven to help reduce stress that may be related to illness, injury or emotional trauma. It can result in an overall improved sense of well-being, greater mental clarity, pain reduction and improved physical performance. 

Most people find biofeedback soothing, relaxing and beneficial. The side-effects may include:

  • Ability to relax more quickly

  • Deeper state of relaxation during sleep

  • Easier to fall asleep and stay asleep

  • Reduction of stress and hypertension

  • Improved general health

  • Increase in amount of calmness and peacefulness

  • Reduction of anger

  • Less fearfulness

  • Fewer anxiety attacks

  • Amelioration of sorrow

  • Reduction of the depth of depression

  • Heightened muscle mobility

  • Enhanced mental clarity

  • Able to pay attention more consistently

  • Better focus of attention

  • Deeper concentration and enhanced memory

  • Less attention to pain and stressors

  • Less concentration on pain and stressors

  • Fewer feelings of pain and stress

  • Less intense focus on pain and stressors

  • Less intensity of any pain or any stress

  • Better able to manage stress and pain

*Results not typical. Prices are subject to change. The information provided on this website and during our wellness therapies is meant as support for your overall well-being and is not to be used as medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment. Nor is any service provided by Skin Renewal or our affiliate BFF Holistic Services. Always consult with your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider before making any changes to your medical care or treatment. You should never disregard medical advice or delay seeking treatment because of something you have read on this website.