“Scalpel-Free Magic”

Are you looking to remove years of damage? Would you like to appear years younger? Plasma Pen is offered by our permanent make-up artist Krista Myers. And boy, does it work! Skin Renewal Systems is one of the only spas offering this exceptional treatment in Naples and Marco Island.

What is Plasma Pen?

Plasma Pen, referred to by some as “scalpel-free magic”, is a breakthrough technology that is stunningly effective in wrinkle smoothing, upper eyelid tightening (or lower if desired), and eyelid hood reduction (blepharoplasty). It is also used to treat, repair, lift, and rejuvenate any area where you may experience excess skin. Experience spectacular improvement in brightening skin tone, improving laxity & texture, and dramatically reducing, inflating, and plumping lines and wrinkles.

Delivering scalpel-free skin treatments, the Plasma Pen is a revolutionary non-invasive, skin lifting, skin tightening, and rejuvenation tool. The pen is used in many procedures to dramatically enhance looks without the need for costly and invasive surgery. This device works by stimulating your natural collagen, tightening the skin, and delivering a bright, youthful glow.

What To Expect

If the Plasma Pen sounds like a treatment you’re considering, there are a few things you should expect from your procedure:

  • Rapid treatments (60-90 minutes)

  • Shorter downtime than plastic surgery

  • Faster recovery than plastic surgery (most patients can return to work the same day)

  • Plasma pen is the gift that keeps on giving - on top of that immediate rejuvenation, lift effects can take 8 to 12 weeks.


  • No scalpels

  • No injections

  • No stitches

  • No scars


The reason the Plasma Pen is so popular is that it provides amazing results with very little downtime. Downtime is 7 - 10 days. You should allow a minimum of 10 days between the treatment and an important event.

If you decide this treatment is for you, there is an aftercare plan which will be covered in detail. You should know that you will experience some healing time where you may not look your best…at first. However, after only about 3-5 days, younger, more resilient skin will be revealed and you will be amazed at the stunning results you see when you look in the mirror. After 7 days, you’ll be able to apply creams and makeup again, if you even need it!

Please remember the most important factor in your aftercare is you. When you adhere to the aftercare recommendations from Krista Myers, you will experience the best possible results.

You’ll also have longer-lasting results when you follow the guidelines recommended. We’ll help you get the most you can from your procedure when you choose Skin Renewal Systems for your Plasma Pen treatment.


The best part about using the Plasma Pen to achieve a more youthful appearance is that there are minimal side effects to this procedure. Some people may experience swelling, which is the most common side effect noted.

Before + After

The surest way to see how well the Plasma Pen treatments work is through our before and after photos. The transformations for individuals who have undergone these treatments is remarkable! Literally, years appear to fade away after the healing process. Our clients love how the pen tightens loose skin to reveal a more youthful appearance.

Call today to schedule your free consultation with Krista 239-394-1083.